Written by: Neil Young
Times played:
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Shows not recorded:
Acoustic guitar:
(after playing Slowpoke, someone from the audience yells out Kinda Fonda Wanda) Neil: I always Wanna, Wanna, Wanna. Kinda Fonda Wanda ... wow. Just a minute. (Neil picks up a large binder that he had onstage with him during the 1999 tour containing lyrics to all of his songs) Neil: I just want to see - like alphabetically - what happens there. Kansas, Kinda Fonda Wanda. That's it. Not much happening in the K's. You've never heard Kansas - no - never heard Kansas. (from the audience - "play it") Neil: Oh ............... I'm going to take that one home with me. (Neil would play Kansas for the first time six shows later in Oakland) Neil Young Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland, Oregon, USA March 8, 1999
Letter: Is Florida the bad dream you just woke up from in Kansas? NY: Yes Neil Young NYA Letters To The Editor July 9, 2020

If you have any additions, corrections or comments please feel free to contact me.