Song Quote of the Day
With Poncho in the band and me living down in Zuma on the beach, I started writing. The first song I wrote there was Cortez the Killer. Sedan Delivery, Dangerbird and some others followed. ‘Zuma’ was recorded in David Briggs’ house on Point Dume, high over Zuma beach. Late night/early morning, after recording, I would walk the two miles up the beach to my house, trying to come down from whatever drugs I might have taken. I know I am lucky to be here today. Two songs we tried and did not get were ‘Powderfinger’ and ‘Sedan Delivery’. They didn’t make the cut for Zuma. Neil Young NYA - Album of the Week - Zuma September 4, 2019
Session:July 21, 1981
Modern Recorders, Broken Arrow Ranch, CA
Artist:Neil Young with Crazy Horse
RE*AC*TOR Neil Young October 28, 1981
Album: Landing On Water
Neil Young

July 21, 1986
Geffen 9 24109-1
10 tracks
Session:July 21, 1988
Redwood Digital, Broken Arrow Ranch, CA
Artist:Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Feel Your Love
American Dream Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young November 22, 1988
Session:July 21, 1999
Redwood Digital, Broken Arrow Ranch, CA
Artist:Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Someday Soon
Looking Forward Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young October 26, 1999

If you have any additions, corrections or comments please feel free to contact me.