Overall Statistics
All Neil Young Authored Songs
Most Played Song
Least Played Song
Most Played Cover Song
Days Since Last Played
Days Between Performances
Released But Never Played Live
Song Debut
Debuts Per Show
Songs Per Show
Songs Per Instrument
Instruments Per Song
Unique Songs Per Year
Unique Songs Per Tour
Tours Per Song
Neil Young Songs Per Year
Guest Appearances
Unusual Song Performances
Show Length
Shows Per Venue
Shows Per City
Shows Per Country
Shows Per Tour
Albums Per Tour
Shows Per Band
Shows Per Band Member
Buffalo Springfield stats
Crazy Horse stats
Full Moon Shows
All Recordings
Missing Recordings
All Shows
Unreleased Songs
2009 Benefits Band
Booker T. & The MGs
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 01
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 02
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 03
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 04
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 05
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 06
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 07
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 08
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 09
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 10
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 11
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 12
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 13
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 14
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 15
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 16
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 17
Crazy Horse, Lineup 1
Crazy Horse, Lineup 2
Crazy Horse, Lineup 3
Crazy Horse, Lineup 4
Crazy Horse, Lineup 5
Crazy Horse, Lineup 6
Crazy Horse, Lineup 7
Crazy Horse, Lineup 8
Crazy Horse, Lineup 9
Crazy Horse, Lineup 10
Crazy Horse, Lineup 11
Crazy Horse, Lineup 12
CSNY, Lineup 1
CSNY, Lineup 2
CSNY, Lineup 2a
CSNY, Lineup 3
CSNY, Lineup 4
CSNY, Lineup 5
CSNY, Lineup 6
CSNY, Lineup 7
CSNY, Lineup 8
guests with others
Neil Young & His Electric Band
Neil Young & Jimmy Fallon
Neil Young, Ken Koblun & Geordie M
Neil Young and Stephen Stills
Neil Young and The Chrome Hearts
Pearl Jam, Lineup 1
Pearl Jam, Lineup 2
Pearl Jam, Lineup 3
Pegi Young Band
Promise Of The Real
Solo Trans
Stephen Stills & Neil Young
supported by others
Ten Men Workin'
The Bluenotes, Lineup 1
The Bluenotes, Lineup 2
The Chrome Dreams Band
The Classics
The Crazy Harvesters
The Ducks
The Echos
The Esquires
The Friends And Relatives
The Gone With The Wind Orchestra
The Hawks & Doves
The Intl. Harvesters, Lineup 1
The Intl. Harvesters, Lineup 2
The Jades
The Lost Dogs
The Poncho and The MG's
The Prairie Wind Band
The Restless
The Roots
The Santa Monica Flyers
The Santa Monica Flyers, Lineup 2
The Shocking Pinks
The Silver And Gold Band
The Squires
The Stardusters
The Stills-Young Band
The Stray Gators, Lineup 1
The Stray Gators, Lineup 2
The Stray Gators, Lineup 3
The Stray Gators, Lineup 4
The Stray Gators, Lineup 5
The Stray Gators, Lineup 6
The Stray Gators, Lineup 7
Trans Band, Lineup 1
Trans Band, Lineup 2
2025 Love Earth World Tour
2024 Chrome Hearts Tour
2024 Love Earth Tour
2023 Coastal Tour
2020 Fireside Sessions
2019 POTR European Tour
2019 POTR USA Shows
2019 Crazy Horse Shows
2019 Solo Theater Tour
2018 Solo Theater Tour
2018 POTR Shows
2018 NYCH Tour
2016 Rebel Content Tour
2015 Rebel Content Tour
2014 Alchemy Tour
2014 Honour The Treaties
2014 Solo Tour
2013 Alchemy Tour - Europe
2013 Alchemy Tour - Australia
2012 Alchemy Tour
2011 Buffalo Springfield
2011 Twisted Road
2010 Pegi Young Tour
2010 Twisted Road - 3rd Leg
2010 Twisted Road - 2nd Leg
2010 Twisted Road - 1st Leg
2009 European Tour
2009 Canada and US Tour
2009 Aust/NZ Tour
2008 US and Canada Tour
2008 Summer European Tour
2008 Spring European Tour
2007 US Tour
2006 CSNY Tour
2004 Vote For Change Tour
2004 Winter Crazy Horse Tour
2003 Far East Crazy Horse Tour
2003 US Crazy Horse Tour
2003 European Solo Tour
2002 MGs European Tour
2002 MGs Warm-up Shows
2002 CSNY Tour
2001 Eurotour '01
2001 South American Tour
2001 Crazy Horse Warm-up Shows
2000 Music In Head Tour
2000 CSNY Tour
1999 Solo - Third Leg
1999 Solo - East Coast
1999 Solo - West Coast
1997 Crazy Horse HORDE Tour
1997 Crazy Horse Warm-up Shows
1996 Canadian Crazy Horse Tour
1996 US Crazy Horse Tour
1996 European Crazy Horse Tour
1996 OPL Shows
1995 European Pearl Jam Tour
1993 US MGs Tour
1993 European MGs Tour
1993 MGs Warm-up Shows
1992 Fourth Solo Tour
1992 Third Solo Tour
1992 Second Solo Tour
1992 First Solo Tour
1991 US Crazy Horse Tour
1989 European Solo Tour
1989 US Solo Tour
1989 Japanese Lost Dogs Tour
1989 Aust/NZ Lost Dogs Tour
1989 US Restless Tour
1988 Ten Men Workin' Tour
1988 Summer Bluenotes Tour
1988 Bluenotes Club Shows
1987 Bluenotes Club Shows
1987 US Crazy Horse Tour
1987 European Crazy Horse Tour
1986 US Crazy Horse Tour
1985 Harvesters Tour
1985 Aust/NZ Tour
1984 Harvesters Tour
1984 Harvesters Club Shows
1984 Crazy Horse Club Shows
1983 Shocking Pinks Tour
1983 Solo Trans Tour
1982 Trans Band Tour
1982 Trans Band Club Shows
1978 Crazy Horse Tour
1978 Boarding House Shows
1977 Ducks Club Shows
1976 US Crazy Horse Tour
1976 Bar Tour with Crazy Horse
1976 Stills-Young Tour
1976 Japan and Europe Tour
1976 Bar Tour with Crazy Horse
1974 CSNY Tour
1973 Tonight's The Night Tour
1973 Tonight's The Night Club Shows
1973 Time Fades Away Tour
1971 Solo Tour
1970 Solo Shows
1970 US CSNY Tour
1970 Crazy Horse Tour
1970 CSNY Tour
1969 CSNY Tour
1969 Crazy Horse Tour
1968-1969 Solo Shows
1962-1965 Early shows
Special Events
Farm Aid
Bridge Benefits
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Live Recording Summary
NYA Timeline Concerts
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Unreleased Songs
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Broken Arrow
Discography NYA
Discography alt
Live Recording Summary
NYA Timeline Concerts
Song Quotes
Unreleased Songs
You Can Help
Test Song
Advanced Search
Combo search
Song - Solo/Band:
Neil Instrument:
12 string acoustic guitar
acoustic guitar
acoustic guitar/piano
additional vocals
backing vocals
backing vocals
electric guitar
electric guitar/piano
electric guitar/vocoder
electric organ
electric piano
harmonica & backing vocals
no instrument
piano/acoustic guitar
piano/electric guitar
piano/pump organ
pump organ
resonator guitar
2025 Love Earth World Tour
2024 Chrome Hearts Tour
2024 Love Earth Tour
2023 Coastal Tour
2020 Fireside Sessions
2019 POTR European Tour
2019 POTR USA Shows
2019 Crazy Horse Shows
2019 Solo Theater Tour
2018 Solo Theater Tour
2018 Promise Of The Real Shows
2018 NYCH Tour
2016 Rebel Content Tour
2015 Rebel Content Tour
2014 Alchemy Tour with Crazy Horse
2014 Honour The Treaties Tour
2014 Solo Tour
2013 Alchemy Tour with Crazy Horse - Europe
2013 Alchemy Tour with Crazy Horse - Australia & New Zealand
2012 Alchemy Tour with Crazy Horse
2011 Buffalo Springfield Reunion Tour
2011 Twisted Road Tour
2010 Pegi Young & The Survivors Tour
2010 Twisted Road Tour - 3rd Leg
2010 Twisted Road Tour - 2nd Leg
2010 Twisted Road Tour - 1st Leg
2009 Continental Tour - Europe
2009 Continental Tour - Canada and US
2009 Continental Tour - Australia and New Zealand
2008 Continental Tour - US and Canada
2008 Continental Tour - Europe - Summer
2008 Chrome Dreams Continental Tour - Europe
2007 Chrome Dreams Continental Tour
2006 Freedom Of Speech '06 Tour
2004 Vote For Change Tour
2004 Winter Greendale Tour with Crazy Horse
2003 Greendale Tour of The Far East and Australia
2003 Greendale Tour with Crazy Horse
2003 European Solo and Acoustic Tour
2002 MGs Tour of Europe
2002 MGs Warm-up Shows
2002 Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young 2002 Tour Of America
2001 Eurotour '01
2001 South American Mini Tour with Crazy Horse
2001 Warm-up Shows with Crazy Horse
2000 Music In Head Tour
2000 CSNY2K North American Tour
1999 An Evening with Neil Young Solo Tour - Third Leg
1999 An Evening with Neil Young Solo Tour - East Coast
1999 An Evening with Neil Young Solo Tour - West Coast
1997 HORDE Tour with Crazy Horse
1997 Hippie Dream Warm-up Tour with Crazy Horse
1996 Broken Arrow Canadian Tour with Crazy Horse
1996 Broken Arrow North American Tour with Crazy Horse
1996 Broken Arrow European Tour with Crazy Horse
1996 Northern California Club Tour with The Echos
1995 European Tour with Pearl Jam
1993 US Tour with Booker T and The MGs
1993 European Tour with Booker T and The MGs
1993 Warm-up Shows with Booker T and The MGs
1992 Fourth Solo Tour
1992 Third Solo Tour
1992 Second Solo Tour
1992 First Solo Tour
1991 Smell The Horse Tour with Crazy Horse
1989 European Tour with Ben Keith and Frank Sampedro
1989 A Solo Acoustic Evening - US Tour with Ben Keith and Frank Sampedro
1989 Tour Of Japan with The Lost Dogs
1989 Australian Tour with The Lost Dogs
1989 US Mini Tour with The Restless
1988 Fall Tour with Ten Men Workin'
1988 Sponsored By Nobody Tour with The Bluenotes
1988 US Club Tour with The Bluenotes
1987 Club Tour with The Bluenotes
1987 Life Tour with Crazy Horse
1987 European Tour with Crazy Horse
1986 Live In A Rusted Out Garage with Crazy Horse
1985 Tour of North America with The International Harvesters
1985 Australia and New Zealand with The International Harvesters and Crazy Horse
1984 Tour of USA and Canada with The International Harvesters
1984 Club Tour with The International Harvesters
1984 California Club Tour with Crazy Horse
1983 Shocking Pinks Tour
1983 Solo Trans Tour
1982 Trans Band Tour Of Europe
1982 Northern California Club Tour with The Trans Band
1978 Rust Never Sleeps Tour with Crazy Horse
1978 One Stop World Tour
1977 Club Shows with the Ducks
1976 US Tour with Crazy Horse
1976 Bar Tour with Crazy Horse
1976 Stills-Young Band Tour
1976 Tour Of Japan and Europe with Crazy Horse
1975 Northern California Bar Tour with Crazy Horse
1974 Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Reunion Tour
1973 Tonight's The Night Tour with The Santa Monica Flyers
1973 Tonight's The Night Club Shows with The Santa Monica Flyers
1973 Time Fades Away Tour with The Stray Gators
1971 Journey Through The Past Solo Tour
1970 US Solo Tour
1970 US Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Tour
1970 Crazy Horse Tour
1970 Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Tour
1969 Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Tour
1969 Crazy Horse Tour
1968-1969 Solo Shows
1962-1965 Early shows
Special Events
Farm Aid shows
Bridge Benefits
2009 Benefits Band
Booker T. & The MGs
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 01
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 02
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 03
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 04
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 05
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 06
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 07
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 08
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 09
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 10
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 11
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 12
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 13
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 14
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 15
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 16
Buffalo Springfield, Lineup 17
Crazy Horse, Lineup 1
Crazy Horse, Lineup 10
Crazy Horse, Lineup 11
Crazy Horse, Lineup 12
Crazy Horse, Lineup 2
Crazy Horse, Lineup 3
Crazy Horse, Lineup 4
Crazy Horse, Lineup 5
Crazy Horse, Lineup 6
Crazy Horse, Lineup 7
Crazy Horse, Lineup 8
Crazy Horse, Lineup 9
CSNY, Lineup 1
CSNY, Lineup 2
CSNY, Lineup 2a
CSNY, Lineup 3
CSNY, Lineup 4
CSNY, Lineup 5
CSNY, Lineup 6
CSNY, Lineup 7
CSNY, Lineup 8
Neil Young & His Electric Band
Neil Young & Jimmy Fallon
Neil Young and Stephen Stills
Neil Young and The Chrome Hearts
Neil Young, Ken Koblun & Geordie M
Pearl Jam, Lineup 1
Pearl Jam, Lineup 2
Pearl Jam, Lineup 3
Pegi Young Band
Promise Of The Real
Solo Trans
Stephen Stills & Neil Young
Ten Men Workin'
The Bluenotes, Lineup 1
The Bluenotes, Lineup 2
The Chrome Dreams Band
The Classics
The Crazy Harvesters
The Ducks
The Echos
The Esquires
The Friends And Relatives
The Gone With The Wind Orchestra
The Hawks & Doves
The Intl. Harvesters, Lineup 1
The Intl. Harvesters, Lineup 2
The Jades
The Lost Dogs
The Poncho and The MG's
The Prairie Wind Band
The Restless
The Roots
The Santa Monica Flyers
The Santa Monica Flyers, Lineup 2
The Shocking Pinks
The Silver And Gold Band
The Squires
The Stardusters
The Stills-Young Band
The Stray Gators, Lineup 1
The Stray Gators, Lineup 2
The Stray Gators, Lineup 3
The Stray Gators, Lineup 4
The Stray Gators, Lineup 5
The Stray Gators, Lineup 6
The Stray Gators, Lineup 7
Trans Band, Lineup 1
Trans Band, Lineup 2
Band Member:
"entire cast"
Adam Seymour
Andy Hobson
Ann Hillary O'Brien
Annie Stocking
Anthony Crawford
Anthony LoGerfo
Anton Fig
Astrid Young
Barry Goldberg
Ben Darvill
Ben Keith
Benmont Tench
Bernard Fowler
Bill Edmundson
Billy Joel
Billy Talbot
Bob Dylan
Bob Glaub
Bob Mosley
Bob Rice
Bonnie Raitt
Booker T. Jones
Boyd Tinsley
Bre Kennedy
Brendan O'Brien
Bruce Palmer
Bruce Springsteen
Burton Cummings
Butch Taylor
Calvin Samuels
Carter Beuford
Cary Kemp
Casey Waits
Chad Cromwell
Chandra Watson
Charlie Drayton
Chris Layton
Chris Stills
Chrissie Hynde
Chubby Checkers
Chuck Berry
Claude Cailliet
Clinton Gregory
Connie Simmons
Corey McCormick
Craig Doerge
Craig Hayes
Dale Ockerman
Dallas Taylor
Danny Whitten
Dave Abbruzzese
Dave Matthews
David Crosby
David Hidalgo
David Lauser
Dennis Belfield
Dewey Martin
Diana DeWitt
Dickie Davis
Dominic Davis
Donald 'Duck' Dunn
Donnie Dacus
Dorene Carter
Doug Hastings
Doug Pettibone
Earl Cates
Eddie Vedder
Elton john
Emily Robison
Emmylou Harris
entire lineup
Ernie Cates
Fats Kaplin
Frank Sampedro
Gail Davies
Garth Hudson
Gary Pigg
George Perry
Gerald Johnson
Gordon Terry
Graham Nash
Gram Parsons
Grant Boatwright
Greg Thomas
Gregory Reeves
Hargus Pig Robbins
Howard Kaylan (Eddie)
Huey Lewis
Inez Bongiorn
Jack Irons
Jack Nitzsche
Jack Register
Jack Tempchin
James Taylor
Jeff Ament
Jeff Blackburn
Jerry Aiello
Jerry Aielo
Jerry Lee Lewis
Jerry Miller
Jim Fielder
Jim Keltner
Jim Messina
Jimmy Fallon
Jimmy Rip
Jimmy Sharp
Jock Bartley
Joe Allen
Joe Lala
Joe Vitale
Joe Walsh
Joel Bernstein
John Avila
John Einarson
John Fogerty
John Fumo
John Maritano
John Mayer
John Mellencamp
John Popper
Johnny Barbata
Johnny Craviotto
Johnny Paycheck
Jon Fishmam
Joni Mitchell
Juanita Franklin
Julian Lennon
Karl T. Himmel
Keb Mo
Keith Richards
Kelvin Holly
Ken Forssi
Ken Koblun
Kenny Buttrey
Kenny Lovelace
Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Kevin Holly
Kevin McCormick
Kristi Rose
Kyle Tullis
Larry Byrom
Larry Cragg
Larry Taylor
Leigh Watson
LeRoi Moore
Levon Helm
Lily Meola
Linda Ronstadt
Logan Metz
Los Lobos
Lukas Nelson
Mark Ribot
Mark Volman (Flo)
Martie Maguire
Martin Chamber
Matraca Berg
Matt Cameron
Melissa Fuller
Micah Nelson
Michael Anthony
Michael Been
Mickey Raphael
Mike Campbell
Mike Finnigan
Mike Gordon
Mike McCready
Miles Thomas
N. D. Smart II
Nancy Hall
Natalie Maines
Neal Shon
Neil Flanz
Neil Young
Nicolette Larson
Nils Lofgren
Norton Buffalo
Oliver Stills
Oscar Butterworth (Kenny Buttrey)
Page McConnell
Patti Smith
Paul McCartney
Paul Shaffer
Pegi Young
Peter Frampton
Phil Jones
Ralph Molina
Randy Bachman
Richard Manuel
Richie Furay
Rick Danko
Rick Palombi
Rick Roberts
Rick Rosas
Ron Eoff
Ronnie Wood
Rosemary Lovell
Rufus Thibodeaux
Russ Kunkel
Sammy Hagar
Sheryl Crow
Sid McGinnis
Skip Spence
Spooner Oldham
Stefan Lessard
Stephen Colbert
Stephen Stills
Steve 'Smokey' Potts
Steve Cropper
Steve DiStanislao
Steve Ferrone
Steve Jordan
Steve Lawrence
Steve Miller
Steve Postell
Steve Winwood
Stone Gossard
Susan Hall
Tato Melgar
Terry Cagle
Terry McMillan
Terry McMillian
The Fisk University Jubilee Singers
The Gone With The Wind Orchestra
The Nashville String Machine
The Roots
Tim Drummond
Todd Caldwell
Tom Bray
Tom McGinley
Tom Waits
Tracy Nelson
Trey Anastasio
Tubby Ziegler
Twink Brewer
unknown vocalist 1
unknown vocalist 2
unknown vocalist 3
various guests
Waddy Wachtel
Waylon Jennings
Wayne Jackson
Will Lee
Willie Nelson
YaDonna West
Multi-song search
Song 1:
Song 2:
Song 3:
Song 4:
Song 5:
If you have any additions, corrections or comments please feel free to
contact me