Neil Young Set Lists
1970 US Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Tour
Number of shows:
Shows recorded:
Shows not recorded:
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Unreleased songs:
Tour View:
RankSongAlbumPlayed Played Ever
1Suite: Judy Blue Eyes4 Way Street17135
1Teach Your ChildrenDéjà Vu17162
2Carry OnDéjà Vu16153
2OhioOhio Single16416
3Southern ManAfter The Gold Rush15302
4Find The Cost Of FreedomOhio Single1467
4Long Time Gone4 Way Street14161
4Tell Me WhyAfter The Gold Rush14195
5As I Come Of Age1319
5Black Queen4 Way Street1371
5GuinnevereSo Far13151
5Love The One You're With4 Way Street13115
5On The Way HomeLast Time Around13230
5Pre-Road Downs4 Way Street13101
6Helplessly HopingSo Far12165
6Triad4 Way Street1225
6WoodstockDéjà Vu12115
749 Bye-Byes>America's Children4 Way Street1114
8Simple Man1017
9Man In The Mirror710
9Only Love Can Break Your HeartAfter The Gold Rush7250
1049 Bye-Byes558
10America's Children58
10Don't Let It Bring You DownAfter The Gold Rush5237
11BlackbirdCSNY 1974438
11Chicago4 Way Street454
124 + 20Déjà Vu312
12Down By The RiverEverybody Knows This Is Nowhere3614
12The Loner>Cinnamon Girl>Down By The River4 Way Street34
13BluebirdBuffalo Springfield Again222
13Cinnamon GirlEverybody Knows This Is Nowhere2834
13Laughing4 Way Street26
13The Lee Shore4 Way Street255
14BirdsAfter The Gold Rush175
14Cinnamon Girl>Down By The River11
14Cowgirl In The SandEverybody Knows This Is Nowhere1255
14Everybody I Love YouDéjà Vu11
14Everybody's Been Burned11
14Expecting To FlyBuffalo Springfield Again136
14HelplessDéjà Vu1443
14I Am A ChildLast Time Around1164
14King Midas In Reverse4 Way Street11
14Right Between The Eyes4 Way Street11
14Sleep Song11
14So Begins The Task111
14The Old Laughing LadyNeil Young175
14We Are Not Helpless>America's Children11
14Wooden ShipsSo Far1135

If you have any additions, corrections or comments please feel free to contact me.