Neil Young Set Lists
1995 European Tour with Pearl Jam
Number of shows:
Shows recorded:
Shows not recorded:
Number of songs:
Unreleased songs:
Unreleased then:
Debuted Songs:
Tour View:
RankSongAlbumPlayed Played Ever
1Act Of LoveMirror Ball1120
1Big Green CountryMirror Ball1113
1Cortez The KillerZuma11559
1Mr. SoulBuffalo Springfield Again11496
1SceneryMirror Ball1112
1The Needle And The Damage DoneHarvest11643
1Throw Your Hatred DownMirror Ball1159
2DowntownMirror Ball1014
2Song XMirror Ball1020
3PowderfingerRust Never Sleeps8812
3Rockin' In The Free WorldFreedom8626
4My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)Rust Never Sleeps7244
5Mother Earth (Natural Anthem)Ragged Glory6221
6After The Gold RushAfter The Gold Rush5695
6Comes A TimeComes A Time5485
6I'm The OceanMirror Ball534
7Don't Let It Bring You DownAfter The Gold Rush4237
7Like A HurricaneAmerican Stars 'N Bars4554
8Peace And LoveMirror Ball24
9Broken ArrowBuffalo Springfield Again132
9Down By The RiverEverybody Knows This Is Nowhere1614
9F*!#in' UpRagged Glory1289

If you have any additions, corrections or comments please feel free to contact me.