Neil Young Set Lists
Number of shows:
Shows recorded:
Shows not recorded:
Number of songs:
Unreleased songs:
Year View:
RankSongAlbumPlayed Played Ever
1After The Gold RushAfter The Gold Rush3695
2Ambulance BluesOn The Beach286
2Country Feedback23
2Distant CameraSilver And Gold240
2Heart Of GoldHarvest2890
2Horseshoe ManSilver And Gold216
2Looking ForwardLooking Forward281
2Old ManHarvest2640
2PowderfingerRust Never Sleeps2812
2Throw Your Hatred DownMirror Ball259
3Amazing Grace11
3Down By The RiverEverybody Knows This Is Nowhere1614
3Expecting To FlyBuffalo Springfield Again136
3Four Strong WindsComes A Time184
3From Hank To HendrixHarvest Moon1268
3Harry Hood11
3HelplessDéjà Vu1443
3I Am A ChildLast Time Around1164
3I Shall Be Released15
3Last Of His Kind116
3Moonlight In Vermont12
3Runaway Jim11
3Sugar MountainThe Loner Single B-Side1464
3Uncloudy Day11
3Will The Circle Be Unbroken18

If you have any additions, corrections or comments please feel free to contact me.