Written by: David Crosby and James Raymond
From the album:
Times played:
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Electric guitar:
Song View:
There was a peace of a song I heard the other day Some words I heard this singer say Something in me loved the way that it sounded When he said how he wanted to stand Stand and be counted Now, sometimes I talk to myself in the early dawn Before all the fragments of my dreams are gone Things you don't know why your mind held on to Or else sometimes you know more than you want to Stand an be counted, stand on the truth Stand on your honor, stand and be counted And I wonder who that kid was standing brave and trim And I hear myself breathe and I know that I was him Defender of the poor and those who cannot speak I thought I'd be standing by the dam trying to stop the leak So concerned with matters of the heart And knowing the millenium was just about to start And knowing that somehow we could make a difference I want to stand alone in front of the world and that oncoming tank Like that Chinese boy that we all have to thank He showed us in a picture that I have mounted Excactly what it means to stand and be counted

If you have any additions, corrections or comments please feel free to contact me.