Written by: Neil Young
Times played:
Shows recorded:
Shows not recorded:
Electric guitar:
Song View:
The home of the heavy metal Continental Where the Motor-Head Messiah was tuning the system in Johnny Magic, Johnny Magic Johnny Magic, Johnny Magic She burst from the garage in a blaze of silence Disappearing down Douglas at lightning speed Before the big metal door came crashing down In Wichita The home of the heavy metal Continental Where the Motor-Head Messiah was tuning the system in Johnny Magic, Johnny Magic Johnny Magic, Johnny Magic Wichita The home of the heavy metal Continental She was born to run on a Proud Highway Now she goes long range on domestic green fuel 100 miles per gallon is the Continental Rule Out on the Kansas two-lane flats near Wichita Wichita The home of the heavy metal Continental She was born to run on a Proud Highway Johnny Magic, Johnny Magic Johnny Magic, Johnny Magic The Motor-Head Messiah went to Washington To show them what he’d done The senators and congressmen came down In Washington And they rode in the heavy metal Continental She was born to run on a Proud Highway Johnny Magic, Johnny Magic Johnny Magic, Johnny Magic Wichita the Motor-Head Messiah was tuning the system in

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