Neil Young Set Lists
1969 Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Tour
Number of shows:
Shows recorded:
Shows not recorded:
Number of songs:
Unreleased songs:
RankSongAlbumPlayed Played Ever
1Down By The RiverEverybody Knows This Is Nowhere19614
1Long Time Gone4 Way Street19161
2Suite: Judy Blue Eyes4 Way Street18135
3Wooden ShipsSo Far17135
4BlackbirdCSNY 19741438
4GuinnevereSo Far14151
4Pre-Road Downs4 Way Street14101
5Helplessly HopingSo Far12165
5Lady Of The Island1215
6Black Queen4 Way Street1071
6You Don't Have To Cry1015
7Bluebird Revisited99
7On The Way HomeLast Time Around9230
7Sea Of MadnessWoodstock II99
8Find The Cost Of FreedomOhio Single667
8HelplessDéjà Vu6443
8I've Loved Her So LongNeil Young611
8So Begins The Task611
9WoodstockDéjà Vu5115
104 + 20Déjà Vu412
1049 Bye-Byes458
10Teach Your ChildrenDéjà Vu4162
11America's Children38
11Broken ArrowBuffalo Springfield Again332
11Mr. SoulBuffalo Springfield Again3496
1249 Bye-Byes>For What It's Worth22
12Almost Cut My HairDéjà Vu2138
12BirdsAfter The Gold Rush275
12Country GirlDéjà Vu210
12Get Together27
12How Have You Been22
12Our HouseDéjà Vu2140
12Triad4 Way Street225
1349 Bye-Byes>America's Children4 Way Street114
1349 Bye-Byes>For What It's Worth>America's Children11
13Black Queen>Go Back Home11
13Expecting To FlyBuffalo Springfield Again136
13Go Back Home11
13Happiness Runs11
13I Believe In YouAfter The Gold Rush1107
13Marrakesh Express144
13Song With No Words (Tree With No Leaves)11
13Wonderin'Everybody's Rockin'158

If you have any additions, corrections or comments please feel free to contact me.