Neil Young Set Lists
1970 Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young Tour
Number of shows:
Shows recorded:
Shows not recorded:
Number of songs:
Unreleased songs:
Unreleased then:
Debuted Songs:
RankSongAlbumPlayed Played Ever
149 Bye-Byes>America's Children4 Way Street214
1Black Queen4 Way Street271
1BlackbirdCSNY 1974238
1Country GirlDéjà Vu210
1Down By The RiverEverybody Knows This Is Nowhere2614
1Find The Cost Of FreedomOhio Single267
1GuinnevereSo Far2151
1HelplessDéjà Vu2443
1Long Time Gone4 Way Street2161
1On The Way HomeLast Time Around2230
1Our HouseDéjà Vu2140
1Pre-Road Downs4 Way Street2101
1So Begins The Task211
1Suite: Judy Blue Eyes4 Way Street2135
1Teach Your ChildrenDéjà Vu2162
1The LonerNeil Young2238
1Triad4 Way Street225
1Wooden ShipsSo Far2135
2Helplessly HopingSo Far1165
2Lady Of The Island115
2You Don't Have To Cry115

If you have any additions, corrections or comments please feel free to contact me.