Written by: Neil Young
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Song View:
This song always puts me on 1-5 south at the bottom of the Grapevine, heading to LA.. It’s a Crazy Horse journey, a long road. There’s a lot to see. . . .a lot to feel out there on I-5. Don’t be scared by this song. It kept me alive. Times were tough. Now time’s are good. We’re rolling again. . . . . Neil Young NYA Now Playing In The Hearse Theater June 12, 2019
The lyrics are very personal to Neil and Pegi. I told Pegi, “I don’t know if you’re gonna like this song or not. It seems like it’s revealing a lot of stuff. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. You should check it out.” She came back two days later and said, “Poncho, it’s just a song about people and relationships. Everybody goes through that stuff.” I saw it more as, “Wow, the writing on the wall has been announced.” I cried a lot of times in that song, man. Frank "Poncho" Sampedro Uncut/Neil Young's 40 Greatest Songs February, 2021

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